
My new web site My first blog

Hey, my first blog, please be patient with me!
AND a big change in my new web site…which I am thrilled about and then there is the new Twitter account which I am not sure what it really is (but you can click on the T icon on my new web page to check it out as I don’t have any followers, YET! If you have any suggestions, please tweet them…)
AND that Cabin Life Magazine 12/2013 as well as Lake Superior Magazine 10/11 2013 have featured our Log Cabin Concerts! I am hoping to share more Log Cabin Concerts with more of you for the rest of this year and the next! I have received lots of calls from those who have seen these cool articles…please check them out!
This new blog will be brief because I am in the studio editing my new DVD about the Log Cabin Concerts for which I received an Artist Initiative Grant supported by McKnight and Legacy Funds! Hope you are all keeping warm and remember, shoveling keeps us in shape!


2 thoughts on “My new web site My first blog

  1. Suzy Ordahl says:

    I am looking at getting to know you and your wife better through your music and new ways to communicate. I must say that when I think about ” funding the arts” I never realized that it would include great musicians like yourself. I just assumed it was about funding plays and things that that. I have been a fan for along time, your music is beautiful!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks so much Suzy! I appreciate hearing you appreciate the arts and my music. It is great to hear and hoping you are able to join us for a Log Cabin Concert in Grand Marais or another show in the Twin Cities…how far back do you go with my music!?


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